Monday, April 20, 2015


A timeline is a linear projection of directionality that includes the accomplishment of a number of short term goals that move a participant or organization toward the achievement of a larger long term goal [my definition]. We have been working on developing a timeline for my cancer treatment.

After meeting with doctors at the U of M Cancer Center last week and with our own physician today, we’re projecting a timeline for treatment. This is, of course, subject to change. God may intervene at any time. Medical tests and discoveries vary. And, only God knows what is really going on in my body.

Here’s the tentative timeline.

April 20 - 22
Chemo treatment
May 4 - 6
Chemo treatment
May 18 - 20
Chemo treatment
Late May
June 4
Surgery consultation for removing spot on liver
Ann Arbor
Late June
Liver Surgery
Ann Arbor
Late July - November
Resume chemo: 8 treatments over a 4 month period

We know that there will be additional dates for consultations and treatments, but they should all fit within the above timeline.

While I’m thinking about planning and goals, here are a few of my favorite quotes.

It's not hard to decide what you want your life to be about. What's hard . . . is figuring out what you're willing to give up in order to do the things you really care about.
Shauna Niequist

If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.
Yogi Berra

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?
Robert H. Schuller

Cat: Where are you going?
Alice: Which way should I go?
Cat: That depends on where you are going.
Alice: I don’t know.
Cat: Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.
Lewis Carroll

Everybody has their own Mount Everest they were put on this earth to climb.
Seth Godin

Begin with the end in mind.
Stephen Covey

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your update. Wish I were closer. Hope your week goes well.
