Tuesday, January 30, 2024

How to Write a Project Proposal

Proposals come in all kinds of sizes and shapes. This presentation is built on what I have learned about proposal writing as an administrator, from working with both the well-thought-out and tightly organized to the unrealistic or incomplete. As a result of the information that follows, you should be able to develop a convincing program proposal for your business, church, or school.

Clark is a floor supervisor at a company that manufactures fabric materials for the automobile industry. It is called “Eagle Wings Group,” or EWG for short. Crew members are highly competent at running industrial-level, heavy-duty sewing machines. Many are immigrants from Asian countries. They are hard-working employees but are new to West Michigan culture and often in need of support for navigating through basic life and employment responsibilities.

Clark’s company is led by individuals with a strong work ethic and commitment to moral and religious values. They care about their workers, even to the extent that the company’s mission statement includes the desire to “make a difference in one another’s lives.”

Clark has come up with the idea of starting a “coaching” program for his crew, and maybe even throughout the company. Clark, himself, has had coaches and mentors and would love to see others benefiting as he has.

However, Clark has never developed a proposal and is wondering what to include before bringing the idea of coaching to his boss. So, he shares the idea with his friend and mentor, Kent. Approaching Kent with the idea, Clark says, “I’ve been thinking about suggesting that we develop a coaching program for my crew. They are great at their jobs, but I think that their lives could be so much better if they could get some coaching in areas like communication and life skil
ls.” Kent offers to help.

Kent says, “Thanks for bringing up this topic. As you know, I have had a lot of experience with proposals. Let me share with you the things that I look for in a proposal.” At their next meeting, Kent brings a list of questions that he has used when writing or helping others to write program proposals.

Kent says, “I suggest that the following questions be answered about any proposed program. Some proposals may not include all of these, but at some point in the planning, they should all be addressed.

Need, Purpose, and Description
1. Why do we need to do it? (statement of need and purpose)
2. What are we going to do? (description of the program)
3. Who is it for? (target audience)
4. Does it fit? (ways in which the program contributes to the character or values of our organization)

5. Who is responsible for doing it? (leadership roles and functions)
6. Who else is on the team? (number and roles of other personnel)
7. To whom will the leader report? (organizational accountability)

8. When do we plan to begin and end? (start and stop dates)
9. Can it be approved? (potential for authorization)
10. How much will it cost? (budget: income and expenses)
11. How many people will it affect? (number of actual participants and those impacted indirectly)

12. What kind of results should we expect? (outcomes)
13. How will we know if we are doing it correctly? (evaluation)
14. What is it that we will not be doing (or doing as well) because we are doing this? (priorities)

Sample Proposal
Following is an example of a “starter proposal” that could be presented to selected individuals whose advice is respected. The text of this starter proposal is also in the description section of this video.

The phrase, “starter proposal” is used here because, in many cases, a first submission opens the door to the need for proposal revisions. Think of this first draft of the proposal as an introduction of the project idea to one or more of the gatekeepers of your organization.

Using the above 14 questions, Clark got to work and with the help of Kent developed the following proposal.

Sample Proposal
Coaching and Eagle Wings Group (EWG)
A Proposal for a Pilot Program
Submitted by Clark Kalel after review by Human Resources Director Lois Cane

Need and Purpose
This proposal introduces a strategy for coaching that will enhance the mission and productivity of Eagle Wings Group (EWG). The approach to coaching that is described here may also empower individuals to better define their own goals within their work, home, faith, relationships, health, and financial settings.

Coaching has the potential to increase job satisfaction, work quality, and retention. In addition, coaching can improve how individuals understand and participate in the values and mission of Eagle Wings Group (EWG); in particular, the mission statement characteristics of “live with faith… do things right… make a difference in one another’s lives.” These characteristics are of particular importance to EWG because of its multi-cultural and multi-lingual workforce, where miscommunication is a frequent issue.

Coaching Defined
The term coaching (as used in this proposal) is a participatory process of supportive communication that has mutual benefits for employees and employer. While focused on the individual employee (person being coached), it will be facilitated by in-house trained coaches and conducted in consultation with each employee’s supervisor.

Coaches come alongside individuals to help them correctly interpret their work and life environments and determine what is needed for productivity and growth. A coach is a listener, sounding board, awareness-raiser, and resource person who, by asking the right questions and providing helpful information; helps participants identify and accomplish their growth goals.

The EWG Coaching Process
A coach meets weekly with a selected employee. The meeting is voluntary and takes place before or after work or during a lunch break. The coach’s meeting with the employee includes topics such as company mission, work relationships, performance strengths and limitations, job satisfaction, and current work and life challenges.

Coaching meetings include three phases over three months. These are:
1. Discovery - emphasis on identifying employee strengths, challenges, and goals;
2. Exploration and information giving - attention to available resources for the exploration of a preferred future;
3. Recommendation – coach provides written notes to a participant that give suggestions for growth.

Training, worksheets, and other resource materials are provided to guide coaches. Recommendations may include programs for training and certification, such as MTech, MichiganWorks, community college or vocational courses; personal or family counseling; and other steps.

Number of Participants
Based on an approximate number of 200 available employees, a pilot program is proposed that includes five assembly line level volunteer employees and five coaches who are mid-level or executive-level volunteers meeting once a week for three months. The writer of this proposal will be one of these coaches and coordinator of the program in conjunction with the Human Resources Department.

Accountability and Training
The coaching program would come under the Human Resources Department. The first five coaches will be trained by the consulting firm Growth Group Associates at one of their regional seminars. Additional information can be provided about this company.

Terms and Conditions
The proposed program is for three months, with an option for renewal with a larger group if judged to be successful. The requested budget is $5,000 for attending a Growth Group Resources training seminar. Participants and coaches are volunteers. The HR Department is asked for a time commitment of three hours per week to assist with this three-month pilot program.

Proposal Summary
The proposed coaching program provides a unique opportunity for EWG to increase the visibility of its values, particularly that of “making a difference in people’s lives.” This proposal requests an initial three-month commitment. At the end of the three-month pilot program, participants and coaches will be interviewed to identify program results in the areas of productivity, job satisfaction, work quality, communication, and retention. A summary report about program effectiveness, follow-up interviews, and recommendations will be submitted to the HR department.

Presentation Overview and Summary
This presentation has provided an overview of proposal writing. It has focused on identifying needs, program purpose and description, personnel, operations, effectiveness, and results. A sample proposal was provided as an example. Those writing proposals are encouraged to communicate in ways that are relevant to their context and begin with brief documents that are shared with organizational leaders whose feedback they respect.

Devereaux-Nelson, Robin. How to Write a Non-profit Grant Proposal. https://amzn.to/3vI0ymI
Jamal, Margaret. Faith Legacies: Program And Development Guide For Faith-Based Nonprofits. https://amzn.to/47Gy7mu
Sample Proposals. https://www.communityservices.org/resources/acs-grants-program/acs-grant-applications/samples-of-proposals/

YouTube link to narrated PowerPoint video: https://youtu.be/nnYlolcdNpk

As an Amazon affiliate, I may receive compensation for purchases from their site.
Supplementary online resources may be included from ChatGPT, Google Search, Google Bard, Bing, Claude, and Wikipedia

Monday, January 1, 2024

John Amos Comenius: Father of Modern Education

John Amos Comenius (1592-1670) was a Czech educator, Bishop in the Moravian Brethren Church (pre-reformation protestant), and philosopher. He has been referred to as the Father of Modern Education. The use of visual media and instruction that is respectful of a child’s stage of development has its roots in the writings of Comenius.

Jean Piaget speaks to the importance of Comenius in the following quote. "Comenius, in the 17th century, had already formulated, with remarkable clarity and foresight, the essential principles of an education based on the child's development... He demanded respect for the child's personality, for its spontaneous activity, and for its natural interests. He condemned all mechanical methods of instruction and insisted on the necessity of relating teaching to the child's own experience and stage of development" (Jean Piaget, Education and Psychology, p. 186, 1970).

Comenius lived during Europe’s Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648, Catholic-Protestant conflict). During this war, his home and possessions were burned, and his first wife and children died. As a result, he moved throughout Europe, finding refuge in Bohemia, Poland, Lithuania, Transylvania, Sweden, and the Netherlands, all the while continuing to work as an educator and pastor.

Overview of His Life Contributions
• Studied philosophy and theology (1607-1613) at University of Heidelberg and Herborn Academy (1613-1614).
• Appointed professor and rector of Calvinist College in Saros-Patak (Northern Hungary, 1614-1618).
• Served as teacher and pastor in Leszno, Poland (1618-1628).
• Published extensively in the field of education.
• Appointed as Royal Chaplain of Sweden (1641) and commissioned by the Swedish government (1638) and British Parliament (1641) to design their educational systems. He also influenced educational reform in Hungary.

Comenius is noted for having published over 150 books and manuscripts. Descriptions, quotes, and images from three of his primary works follow.

The Gate of Languages Unlocked (Janua Linguarum Reserata), 1631.
This is one of the earliest textbooks written for the specific purpose of teaching how to make language learning easier and more accessible. He aimed to "unlock the gate of languages" for more people by creating a text that presented languages in a logical, step-by-step manner.

The Great Didactic (Didactica Magna), 1632-1638.
This is the foundational work of Comenius. He proposes a comprehensive educational philosophy aimed at universal education, emphasizing practical learning, the use of visual aids, gradual instruction, language proficiency, and the integration of general, moral, and religious education.

The Visible World in Pictures (Orbis Sensualium Pictus), 1658.
The first children's picture textbook for teaching Latin vocabulary (and other languages) through pictures of everyday life. The introduction to the first English edition (1659) says, “A picture and nomenclature of all the chief things that are in the world; and of men’s employments therein.”

Selected Quotes
The following quotes are from several of his publications, not limited to the above three texts, but intending to represent his key ideas.

Teaching and learning
“The saying ‘He who teaches others, teaches himself’ is very true, not only because constant repetition impresses a fact indelibly on the mind, but because the process of teaching itself gives deeper insight into the subject taught.” The Great Didactic (Didactica Magna), 1632.

Education for everyone
“Not the children of the rich or of the powerful only, but of all alike, boys and girls, both noble and ignoble, rich and poor, in all cities and towns, villages and hamlets, should be sent to school. Education is indeed necessary for all, and this is evident if we consider the different degrees of ability. No one doubts that those who are stupid need instruction, that they may shake off their natural dullness. But in reality those who are clever need it far more, since an active mind, if not occupied with useful things, will busy itself with what is useless, curious, and pernicious.” Universal Education (Pampaedia),1657.

Experiential learning
“The proper education of the young does not consist in stuffing their heads with a mass of words, sentences, and ideas dragged together out of various authors, but in opening up their understanding to the outer world, so that a living stream may flow from their own minds, just as leaves, flowers, and fruit spring from the bud on a tree.” The Great Didactic (Didactica Magna), 1632.

Learning by doing
“What has to be done must be learned by practice. Artisans do not detain their apprentices with theories, but set them to do practical work at an early stage; thus, they learn to forge by forging, to carve by carving, to paint by painting, and to dance by dancing. In schools, therefore, let the student learn to write by writing, to talk by talking, to sing by singing, and to reason by reasoning.” The Great Didactic (Didactica Magna), 1632.

Student growth
“Three things give the student the possibility of surpassing his teacher: ask a lot of questions, remember the answers, teach.” The World of Pictures (Orbis Sensualium Pictus), 1658.

Teaching methods
“Let the main object [be]… to seek and to find a method of instruction, by which teachers may teach less, but learners learn more.” The Way of Light (Via Lucis), 1668.

Lifelong learning
“If, in each hour, a man could learn a single fragment of some branch of knowledge, a single rule of some mechanical art, a single pleasing story or proverb (the acquisition of which would require no effort), what a vast stock of learning he might lay by. Seneca is therefore right when he says: ‘Life is long, if we know how to use it.’ It is consequently of importance that we understand the art of making the very best use of our lives.” The Way of Light (Via Lucis), 1668.

In summary, John Amos Comenius was a 17th-century educator, theologian, and philosopher who is considered the father of modern education. He emphasized the importance of education for all, regardless of social status or background, and advocated for teaching methods that were respectful of children's developmental stages and interests.

Comenius is best known for three major works: The Gate of Languages Unlocked, on language learning; The Great Didactic, on educational theory and reform; and The Visible World in Pictures, the first children's picture textbook. The contributions of Comenius have had a profound impact on education around the world, and his legacy is seen in today’s inclusive and experiential approaches to teaching and learning. His spiritual and moral values are yet to be realized.

Hilmarova, K. John Comenius: The Bohemian Educator Who Changed the World, Kindle Edition. https://amzn.to/3tv1YjH

Huck, C. Children’s Literature in the Elementary School. https://amzn.to/41Bp98u

Petereson, D. L. Applying the Educational Principles of Comenius. https://www.aacs.org/assets/Journal-Vol-12-No-3/Vol-10-NO-3/Applying-the-Educational-Principles-of-Comenius.pdf

Piaget, J. Jan Amos Comenius. https://monoskop.org/images/1/12/Piaget_Jean_1993_Jan_Amos_Comenius_1592-1670.pdf

Supplementary online resources that may have been consulted include ChatGPT, Claude, Google Search, Google Bard, Bing, and Wikipedia.
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This presentation is also available as a YouTube video at https://youtu.be/HengE67Jn1w