We are thankful to have you as a friend of Church Leadership Center! As you are aware, CLC is privileged to equip lay leaders and pastoral candidates for greater effectiveness in the churches that they currently serve, as well as in planting new churches. CLC uniquely trains leaders according to their calling and gifts… one leader at a time. Leaders are being developed through personalized training plans, contextualized courses, and one-on-one mentoring. As leaders grow, their churches become more effective in advancing the Kingdom of Jesus Christ: “When a leader gets better, everyone wins” (Bill Hybels).
One of our pastoral candidates, Ted Polleys (Charlevoix, Michigan), recently wrote, “I will be commissioned in January! Thank you for all of your help. This truly has
been an incredible experience. The CP [Commissioned Pastor] program has been a perfect fit for me, and I am so excited to see what God has in store. Thanks again for all your work with me and with such an amazing program.”
We are aware that you may already support a number of significant ministry organizations. It is because of this evidenced commitment that we ask you to also consider making a $100 contribution to Church Leadership Center. This year’s monetary gifts will be applied to improving our web sites, which are critical parts of CLC’s individualized approach. With your permission, we would love to list you on one of the web pages as a “Friend of Church Leadership Center.” Upon receiving your gift, we’ll send you a link to the page.
Thank you in advance for investing in the development of church leaders.
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___ I would like to contribute $100, or
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We will be happy to send you an invoice. Please provide your name, address, and zip code. Gifts are tax deductible under IRS code section 501 (c) (3).
Wishing you God’s richest blessing during this Christmas season and in the New Year.
Church Leadership Center was developed in response to the need for improving the training of lay leaders and lay pastors. We provide leadership development through assessment, personalized training plans, classes, and mentoring so that participants are able to minister effectively in all areas of church life. Click
here for more information. To view videos about Commissioned Pastors and those who support them, click
here. To read previous blogs, click
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