Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Family that Plays Together Stays Together

Our family thrives on having good times together. So when our friend, Lynn Bunnell, a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, showed me a worksheet packet from one of her seminars, I asked her for permission to make it into a blog. Here is my adaptation of her good work.

The Importance of Family Play Time
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook the importance of family leisure time. However, research and expert opinions suggest that engaging in play and recreational activities as a family unit can have profound benefits for both individual family members and the family as a whole. This blog post explores the concept of family play, its benefits, and practical ways to incorporate it into your life.

Understanding Leisure and Family Play

Leisure is more than just free time. According to Therapeutic Recreation Specialist Lynn Bunnell, it's an experience that can bring joy, acceleration, and pleasure. It's important to note that:

Leisure is a personal experience that must come from within,

The attitude towards an activity often determines whether it's truly leisure, and

It's a state of mind, reflecting a positive attitude toward life and living.

Rediscovering Childlike Qualities

As adults, we often suppress the childlike qualities we once possessed. However, reconnecting with these traits can enhance our ability to engage in meaningful family play. Some of these qualities include:






Eagerness to learn

Identifying and cultivating these qualities in ourselves can significantly improve our capacity for family play and overall life satisfaction.

The Benefits of Family Play

Engaging in play and maintaining a playful attitude can yield numerous benefits for families:

1. Increased self-esteem and self-confidence

2. Improved stress management

3. Enhanced cooperativeness between family members

4. Stronger sense of belonging and shared experiences

5. Improved trust and communication

6. Increased flexibility and spontaneity

7. Strengthened family bonds and feelings of togetherness

Overcoming Negative Messages About Play

Society often sends messages that can discourage play, especially for adults. These may include:

"Work before play"

"Be more responsible"

"Act your age"

"Do something productive"

It's crucial to recognize these messages and consciously choose to prioritize family play despite societal pressures.

Important Facts About Play and Leisure

Consider the following statistics:

Americans devote only 1.5 hours per week to sports and recreation on average

In Japan, 10% of all deaths of working men are attributed to overwork

Many individuals seek work to fill voids in their lives, neglecting leisure and family time

Low self-esteem, which affects one in three adults, can significantly impact motivation to play

These facts underscore the importance of intentionally incorporating play into family life.

Practical Tips for Enhancing Family Play

Here are some strategies to increase family playfulness:

1. Set aside unscheduled time for spontaneous family activities

2. Create a list of activities for children to do when bored

3. Find a balance between structured and unstructured time

4. Encourage creativity by allowing children to ask questions and try new things

5. Let children help decide family leisure activities

6. Schedule regular family nights

7. Participate in both cooperative and competitive activities as a family

8. Focus on the process of activities rather than the end result

9. Expose children to a wide range of activities

10. Examine your own leisure values and lifestyle


The Wisdom of Simplicity

Robert Fulghum's, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten reminds us of the fundamental principles that can guide family play:

Clean up your own mess

Take time to wander and observe the world around you

Balance different types of activities in your day

Share everything.

Play fair.

Don’t hit people.

Put things back where you found them.

Don’t take things that aren’t yours.

Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody.

Wash your hands before you eat.


Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.

These simple yet profound ideas can serve as a foundation for meaningful family play.


Incorporating play into family life is not frivolous; it's a vital component of building strong, resilient family bonds. By understanding the importance of leisure, recognizing its benefits, and implementing practical strategies, families can create a lifestyle that values play and togetherness.

Remember, as the title suggests, "The family that plays together stays together." Make a commitment today to increase playfulness in your family life, and watch as it strengthens your connections and enhances your collective well-being.

Thank you, again, Lynn. By the way friends, if you ever call Lynn and need to leave her a voice mail message, you will get her recording that ends with, “And have a fun day.” We all need this reminder. Play together as a family and have a fun day!