Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) was an American psychologist known for his theory about the relationship of motivation to the meeting of human needs. This theory was first described in his book Motivation and Personality (1954) and identified as his “Hierarchy of Needs Theory.”
Maslow’s credentials include Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D. degrees in psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison; President of the American Psychological Association; and professor at Brandeis University, Brooklyn College, and Columbia University.
The Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow organized needs into five levels. These are:
Physiological needs (food, water, and shelter),
Safety needs (security and stability),
Love and belongingness needs (social relationships),
Esteem needs (recognition and respect), and
Self-actualization needs (realization of one's full potential).
Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs Theory.” has influenced the development of person-centered approaches to teaching, learning, and communication. This presentation will describe the five levels of needs and make application to teaching in school and church contexts.
At the heart of the Theory is the concept that humans possess a hierarchically structured set of needs, ranging from the most basic physiological requirements for survival to the more advanced areas of self-actualization including creativity, sacrifice, and depth of thought. This hierarchy is often pictured as a pyramid, with basic needs forming the foundation and higher-order needs at the top.
Our understanding of the word “need” can be defined as “an inner drive that directs a person toward achieving a behavioral goal.” For example, if we feel hungry (inner drive), we become motivated to find something to eat (behavioral goal). If we feel lonely (inner drive), we look for friends or consider joining a group. These are “felt needs.”
The Hierarchy and its Application to Education
Physiological Needs
Physiological (or basic) needs are at the foundation of the Hierarchy. These are the most essential elements for survival. They include the necessities of life, such as air, water, food, sleep, and shelter. Without these fundamental requirements being met, it is difficult to focus on other life and learning activities.
Meeting Physiological Needs
Educators should be sensitive to whether or not students have access to adequate food, reside in a safe and clean environment, and are getting enough rest. In church education, leaders can be sensitive to the basic needs of their members and the surrounding community. This could include assistance with provisions for food, clothing, and shelter as a foundation for nurturing spiritual growth.
Safety Needs
Once physiological needs are satisfied, people start to focus on safety and security needs, such as shelter, protection from harm, emotional security, freedom from fear, and stability.
Meeting Safety Needs
Schools and churches can create a climate of safety and security by having clear rules (or policies or guidelines), procedures, and structures. These might include having an emergency response plan, security assessments and training, background checks, safety protocols, anti-bullying policies, accountability procedures for reporting and communication, and providing a welcoming and inclusive environment.
Love and Belonging Needs
When individuals feel safe and secure, they begin to crave connectedness, interpersonal relationships, love, intimacy, and identity with a group.
Meeting Love and Belonging Needs
Love and belonging needs can be met by providing opportunities for social interaction, teamwork, and community service activities. In schools, participatory learning activities, extracurricular clubs, and sports teams can help students develop a sense of mutual support and belonging. In churches, small groups, fellowship experiences, and ministry groups can foster connections between participants.
Esteem Needs
This level focuses on the need for self-respect, respect for others, achievement, dignity, and recognition. It can include developing feelings of competence, confidence, and freedom.
Meeting Esteem Needs
Schools and churches can support the development of self-esteem and confidence in individuals by recognizing and celebrating their achievements and contributions. This might involve acknowledging academic, music, and athletic accomplishments in schools and, in churches, highlighting acts of service, use of spiritual gifts, and examples of spiritual growth.
Self-actualization Needs
At the top of Maslow’s pyramid is the need for self-actualization, which refers to the desire for personal growth toward reaching one's full potential. It may include expressions of creativity, appreciating beauty, personal growth and wholeness, self-sacrifice, and supporting the needs of others.
Meeting Self-actualization Needs
In educational settings, this can involve providing opportunities for students to pursue their interests, talents, and passions through elective courses, creative projects, and experiential learning opportunities. Similarly, in church education, self-actualization can be supported by facilitating spiritual growth through courses and service, in helping individuals understand their spiritual gifts and abilities, and through encouraging biblical reflection and meditation.
The "Hierarchy of Needs Theory," developed by Abraham Maslow, categorizes human needs into five levels: physiological, safety, love and belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization. These needs progress hierarchically, with basic survival needs forming the foundation and higher-order needs at the apex. By understanding Maslow's theory, educators can go beyond just delivering content and focus on creating an environment where participants feel safe, supported, and empowered to reach their unique potential as persons who are created in the image of God and possess unlimited possibilities for life and service.
Maslow, Abraham H. Motivation and Personality. https://amzn.to/3xcxqEZ
Maslow, Abraham H. Motivation and Personality. (Kindle edition) https://amzn.to/3ITyPmf
Smith, Landon T. Meet Maslow. https://amzn.to/3xfjSbS
Simply Psychology website. https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html
End Notes
There are qualifying factors for understanding and using Maslow’s Hierarchy. In particular, keep the following in mind.
Moving through the levels of the hierarchy does not necessarily follow a linear, bottom-to-top progression. For some individuals, the importance of filling higher-level needs may precede the filling of lower-level needs, while some levels may be met simultaneously. Understanding needs and how they may be met requires openness and flexibility.
Limitations of the Hierarchy have been noted by Christian theologians. These include the criticism that the Hierarchy does not recognize spiritual needs, is individualistic and person or self-centered, does not deal with human brokenness or sinfulness, and reflects a Western cultural context.
Despite the above limitations (and others), Maslow’s Hierarchy can be a useful tool for education and church ministry. It is important to remember that a “theory” can be understood as a proposed, plausible explanation for phenomena and is not the same as a universal principle, doctrine, or truth.
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