This blog includes the discipling-related topics of Scripture, definitions, and foundational resources with special attention to the book The Master Plan of Evangelism.
There are many Scripture passages that speak specifically to discipleship. Several of these follow.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you”… Matthew 28:19-20).
”Follow me and I will send you out to fish for people” (Mathew 7:19).
“Whoever serves me must follow me” (John 12:26)
“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1).
Two descriptions or definitions of discipleship are helpful to me. The first describes disciples as
a. beginning with a profession of faith in Jesus Christ,
b. developing by involvement in a process of spiritual formation and
c. finding expression in acts of Christian service ( Morley).
The second defines discipleship as the nurturing of Christ-followers who are growing as learners; practice biblical behaviors or habits that enable them to live the Christian life effectively; display behaviors or habits such as prayer, sharing faith, Bible study, and serving; and multiply Christ-likeness in the lives of others (Stetzer, Planting Missional Churches. p. 281).
Following are some of the foundational resources in discipleship literature and a brief quote from each book. I will give extra attention to the last featured book, The Master Plan for Evangelism.
Bruce, A.B. Training of the Twelve (1871).
“Jesus gave His disciples lessons on the nature of the divine kingdom, on prayer, on religious liberty, on the nature of true holiness, on humility… on self-sacrifice… on the mission of the comforter, to convince the world and to enlighten themselves.”
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. The Cost of Discipleship (1949).
A contrast is made between cheap grace and costly grace. "Cheap grace is the grace we bestow on ourselves...grace without discipleship....Costly grace is the gospel which must be sought again and again....It is costly because it costs a man his life, and it is grace because it gives a man the only true life."
Ogden, Greg. Discipleship Essentials. (1998).
The book is divided into four parts: Growing Up in Christ, Understanding the Message of Christ, Becoming Like Christ, Serving Christ. Each chapter contains a core truth, memory verse, inductive Bible study, and additional readings. An appendix describes how to build a discipleship ministry.
“…a study in principles underlying His ministry-principles which determined His (Jesus) methods.” Chapter headings: Selection, Association, Consecration, Impartation, Demonstration, Delegation, Supervision, and Reproduction.
Selection: Jesus chose a few faithful, available, teachable disciples. (Luke 6:13-17, Mk 3:13-19). They weren't scholars, or individuals with special talents, just ordinary people whom he could shape and mold into leaders.
Association: He devoted his time to them, even in the midst of ministry to the masses. They were with him in all sorts of situations -called to simply "be with him" and "follow him."
Consecration: Jesus called these disciples to obedience- to turn away from sin and sacrifice their own personal interests- to turn to him and his teaching. He called them to commit themselves not to a doctrine or program, but to his person.
Impartation: He gave himself to them and for them. The foundation of their relationship to him was his love and self-denial. His commitment to them and giving of himself for them was the motivation of their giving themselves totally for him.
Demonstration: Jesus taught them by showing them. All the disciples had to teach them was a teacher who practiced in front of them what he expected them to learn. So they learned to pray by hearing him pray, learned how to use the Word by observing his handling of it, learned how to minister by watching him ministering.
Delegation: He put them to work (Mk 6:7, Mt 10:5, Luke 9:1,2). They assisted Him as He ministered, gradually he sent them out two by two. The instructions he gave them are most interesting, revealing how even this was a part of their preparation as his disciples.
Supervision: Jesus kept check on them and used their experiences to instruct them further (Mk 6:30). This was “on-the-job training” at its best. They were given adequate room to work and learn, yet never without his concern and guidance as it was needed.
In summary, this has been an overview of Biblical foundations, definitions, and selected resources for discipleship. It has focused on the command of Jesus to make disciples and has provided a few classic resources. For those interested in further readings on discipleship, consider the following resources.
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. The Cost of Discipleship (1949).
Bruce, A.B. Training of the Twelve (1871).
Coleman, Robert E. The Master Plan of Evangelism (1963).
Ogden, Greg. Discipleship Essentials. (1998).
Stetzer, Ed. Planting Missional Churches. (2006).
The books listed here are personal favorites of this writer. Placing them here is like providing the names of good friends, individuals who have influenced my life and ministry. A small commission may be provided to me for books purchased. Church and School Education (CASE) Resources is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
Line drawings are from the following web site and appear in the Good News Bible.
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